Monday, November 15, 2010

Interview and Contest Announcement

My very good friend, amazing critique partner, and soon-to-be bigshot published author J.A. Souders did an interview with one of her favorite authors, Rachel Vincent at The Oasis for YA blog.  Go, read a great interview, leave a secret in the comments and get a chance to win the first book in Rachel's Soul Screamers series.  What could be easier?

Click here:  Interview with Rachel Vincent

Happy Monday!

- Liz

1 comment:

Katia Raina said...

Isn't it great when this happens to your friends? :) :)
I thinbk your blog is very informative, and I'll be sure to check in now and then. Oh, and good luck with your new story. Sounds like magic. Sounds like you're on your way! :)